Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Henderson - Day 2

Sorry if things seems a little slow being posted - Monday the electric grid went down in the afternoon & didn't come back up until dinner time. The local power company had to replace some poles and transformers, so everything was slow coming back - including WiFi at Henderson. Today most of the issues have been worked out.

This morning was HEAVY FOG in the valley, making for a beautiful morning devotion (but a challenge for drivers heading east to their jobsites.

Afternoon highs were in the lo 90's, luckily (!) it was high humidity as well so everybody was sticky. Crew leaders made sure everyone was drinking every half-hour and using plenty of sun screen. It's good to see everybody go thru their water bottles plus a 5 gallon igloo each morning and afternoon.

Henderson Settlement had a local bluegrass & gospel band play for the camp this evening. Stone Mountain Band - bass, banjo, guitar and mandolin. Excellent music with 126 campers singing Happy Birthday to Tyler and Pastor Gabe from Monmouth, IL. We walked down to the Hillside Market (bottom of the hill) for softserve ice cream for all who wanted. The video is about 1 minute of the Stone Mountain Band - worth watching. We'll try & get photos / project descriptions up tomorrow (WiFi's crashed 4 times in the last 35 minutes - toooooooo many people trying to use their devices).

Cancel the video - crashed the WiFi trying to upload - so here's a photo instead....

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